Command Reference


$ xvc --help
Xvc CLI to manage data and ML pipelines

Usage: xvc [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  file          File and directory management commands
  init          Initialize an Xvc project
  pipeline      Pipeline management commands
  storage       Storage (cloud) management commands
  root          Find the root directory of a project
  check-ignore  Check whether files are ignored with `.xvcignore`
  aliases       Print command aliases to be sourced in shell files
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbose...             Output verbosity. Use multiple times to increase the output detail
      --quiet                  Suppress all output
      --debug                  Turn on all logging to $TMPDIR/xvc.log
  -C <WORKDIR>                 Set working directory for the command. It doesn't create a new shell, or change the directory [default: .]
  -c, --config <CONFIG>        Configuration options set from the command line in the form section.key=value You can use multiple times
      --no-system-config       Ignore system configuration file
      --no-user-config         Ignore user configuration file
      --no-project-config      Ignore project configuration file (.xvc/config)
      --no-local-config        Ignore local (gitignored) configuration file (.xvc/config.local)
      --no-env-config          Ignore configuration options obtained from environment variables
      --skip-git               Don't run automated Git operations for this command. If you want to run git commands yourself all the time, you can set `git.auto_commit` and `git.auto_stage` options in the configuration to False
      --from-ref <FROM_REF>    Checkout the given Git reference (branch, tag, commit etc.) before performing the Xvc operation. This runs `git checkout <given-value>` before running the command
      --to-branch <TO_BRANCH>  If given, create (or checkout) the given branch before committing results of the operation. This runs `git checkout --branch <given-value>` before committing the changes
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version


  • file: File and directory management commands
  • init: Initialize an Xvc project
  • pipeline: Pipeline management commands
  • storage: Storage (cloud) management commands
  • root: Find the root directory of a project
  • check-ignore: Check whether files are ignored with .xvcignore
  • aliases Print command aliases to be sourced in shell files